Dear Friend,

Welcome to Lost Art Cards and Designs.

You might find tiny bouquets on paper, pretty places, words of encouragement, the artwork of others, or a quote from a good book.

My hope is that you will find something that delights the eye of your heart and remains a part of you for a lifetime.


One facet of the creativity in my soul.

Just a Quick Note

As you may have noticed there have been no new posts for quite some time. My oldest daughter is getting married in August and we have been very busy planning her wedding. I am hoping to find some time to stamp, but I doubt I will get much of a chance.

Most of my days have been spent taking one of my children to a job or activity, doing regular errands, or keeping regularly scheduled appointments. When I am not running all over the place, I am taking care of my home, reading a book, or just sitting around trying to regain something of myself.