Dear Friend,

Welcome to Lost Art Cards and Designs.

You might find tiny bouquets on paper, pretty places, words of encouragement, the artwork of others, or a quote from a good book.

My hope is that you will find something that delights the eye of your heart and remains a part of you for a lifetime.


One facet of the creativity in my soul.

Rustic Lace Wedding Invitation

" Is there anything I could do for you as you prepare for your wedding" I asked a friend. " I don't know, like, what did you have in mind?" said she.  "Well, I can do a lot of things, what are you doing for table dec, ambience, etc...?"  "What  about your invitations? I love making cards, maybe I could design a wedding invitation for you , as my gift to you."

Challenging, motivating, even inspiring, I went home that day and began to pray about an invitation design after my friend showed me a few invitation jacket ( or cover )  ideas she found on Pinterest.  I determined to make a few samples of my own, in similar style to the ideas she had saved, but unique to them and to myself.   They are blending families and I wanted to somehow include  aspect of their lives in the invitation as well as their design preferences.

I began researching the Internet and several stamp suppliers for the design elements and paper colors that were important to my friends and hoped what I had in mind would be accepted. 

I will be writing future posts about the process of making this invitation, including links to the suppliers and supplies used to make them.

Stay tuned for future posts about the process...

Invitation, Insert and Closure Tag


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